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I’m Lauren, the gal behind the designs, and this little corner of the internet is where I highlight some of the fun things I get to do as an interior designer, business owner, and human.

My husband and I moved from Grand Rapids to Southeast Michigan almost four years ago now—where has the time gone!?—and work wise, I split my time between West Michigan and the Metro Detroit area.

Anyhow…while design can sometimes seem a little superficial, ultimately it’s about people, how they live, what they need, and what their people need.


A handful of years back, I worked with my friend and business coach, Mark Drane (The Examplary Coach) to narrow in on my core values, not just as a business, but as a person.


Here’s what I came up with:

  1. Be courageous

  2. Curiosity, respect, honesty, & kindness go hand in hand

  3. We try things here

  4. Always be learning, creating, sharing, & serving


Let me elaborate...


Every aspect of the design process takes COURAGE (#1), both for myself and for my clients. It can be scary to let someone take the reins on such a personal project! And, it can be scary to do that FOR someone, too!

Which is why value #2 is soooo important. As long as we are being curious and honest with each other in a way that is respectful and kind, there’s no way we can’t succeed in creating a great space together.


#3, “We try things here”…this is probably the value that has made all the difference. I am constantly trying new things, often failing at them, then reiterating, and trying new things again. This is how we grow! And, it’s also a lot of fun. So if we work together, I’ll probably ask you to try a few new things, whether it’s as big as pushing your style boundaries, or as small as trying out a new layout.

And #4: “Always be learning, creating, sharing, & serving.” I never want to become stagnant in my work or in my personal life. I want to see my style, processes, & ability to serve clients well evolve and grow, and I want to share that with you!

SO. It’s great to meet you :) Thanks for hanging out with me here! And if you want to hang out in real life—and maybe work on a project too—shoot me a message here and I’ll send you some info.

XO, Lauren


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